hari ne 26/12 omputih panggil Boxing Day...maknanye hari untuk perabihkan duit..sales yg ditunggu2..mcm biasa kt shopping mall dh jadi cam pesta..sales smp 90% pn ade...masa ne nk berebut2 barang..fuhhhhhh baru jer dok sibuk2 pasal credit crunch..recession..mcm takde makna jer kegawatan ekonomi bg diorg ne..dan kami pn tidak terkecuali..bila lagi nk perabihkan duit..sebab sales gile babas punye murah....perghhhhhhhhhhhh...
Shoppers go nuts for high street bargains
Thousands of shoppers descended on the Boxing Day sales as desperate retailers slashed prices in a bid to boost trade.
Some shoppers queued outside stores from the early hours to grab discounts of up to 70 per cent. Outside the flagship Selfridges store on London's Oxford Street, approximately 2,000 shoppers waited to nab bargains.
A spokesman said: "The first person in the queue had been there since 2 am. She was there to buy a Chanel bag.
"It was mental when they came into the store. I've never seen anything like it. People were running into the store and grabbing bags. Some women had four of five bags in their hands. Security had to get more people down to the store to help."
It took some shoppers up to an hour to queue for the tills.
Jace Tyrrell, of the New West End Company, representing more than 600 traders in Bond Street, Oxford Street and Regent Street, said: "Are they mad? Well, it's very tempting when you've got designer handbags with 60 per cent off."
By 11am the massive Westfield shopping centre in west London was packed with 15,000 shoppers, a spokeswoman said. Almost 3,000 bargain hunters were queuing in the centre before stores opened at 9am.
And within the first hour of trading 1,000 people flooded into the centre every ten minutes.
In north London, Brent Cross Shopping Centre saw 30,000 people through its doors by midday, with fashion retailers proving particularly popular with shoppers.
Over 100 stores had sales on with discounts ranging from 50 per cent to 80 per cent.
Norman Black, from the shopping centre, said: "The Boxing Day sales at Brent Cross have been as busy as ever this year.
"And we expect tomorrow will be even bigger as our three largest retailers - John
Lewis, Fenwick, and Marks & Spencer - start their sales.
"We are anticipating up to 120,000 shoppers tomorrow, spending up to £50,000 per minute during peak trading."
At Bluewater shopping centre in Kent, an estimated 100,000 Boxing Day sales shoppers were expected to have passed through the doors to snap up bargains - up 10 per cent on last year.
Bargain-hunters had already got an early start on Christmas Day with many retailers starting sales via their websites. Electronic goods such as TVs and laptops were proving popular with initial sales figures up on last year.
Department store John Lewis began its clearance sale online at 6pm on Christmas Eve, and recorded its busiest ever online sales between 7pm and 8pm.
Christmas Day traffic on its website was 12 times higher than last year, with pillows, Molton Brown products and televisions the most popular online clearance purchases so far, the group said.
Clearance sales at the group's high street stores begin on Saturday, with the exception of Trafford, which started on Boxing Day.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
special entry untuk Jey & Ilah
bulan ne banyak agenda istimewa keluarga kami di kelantan..tapi sayang tidak berkesempatan untuk hadir..dari kejauhan kami cuma mampu panjatkan doa kesyukuran dan ucapan tahniah untuk adinda tersayang Rohaizan a.k.a Jey yang telah selamat melangsungkan majlis perkahwinan pada 14.12.08 bersama adik ipar baru Nazif...di kesempatan ini abe D ingin ucapkan Selamat Pengantin Baru buat Jey & Nazif..moga kalian akan berjaya melayari alam rumahtangga hingga hujung nyawa dan dikurniakan cahaya mata yg comel2 nanti insyallah...jom mai honeymoon UK nak..abe D sponsor penginapan dan makan minum hehhehe...
Jey dan Nazif di majlis persandingan

ilah di saat2 disarungkan cincin pertunangan
juga untuk adik ipar ku Khalilah a.k.a Ilah yg telah selamat melangsungkan pertunangan pada 09.12.08 dengan pilihan hati Anas..selamat menempuh alam pertunangan yg cukup manis..semoga selamat disatukan nanti pada Januari 2009..abe D doakan yg terbaik untuk Ilah & Anas..tok sey mai honeymoon sini ke lps kawin nanti abe D sponsor penginapan & makan2 hehhehe..

Jey dan Nazif di majlis persandingan

ilah di saat2 disarungkan cincin pertunangan
juga untuk adik ipar ku Khalilah a.k.a Ilah yg telah selamat melangsungkan pertunangan pada 09.12.08 dengan pilihan hati Anas..selamat menempuh alam pertunangan yg cukup manis..semoga selamat disatukan nanti pada Januari 2009..abe D doakan yg terbaik untuk Ilah & Anas..tok sey mai honeymoon sini ke lps kawin nanti abe D sponsor penginapan & makan2 hehhehe..
Ilah dan Jey..kalian berdua adik yang cukup istimewa di mata kami di sini..semoga hari2 yg mendatang akan membawa kebahagiaan dan sentiasa beroleh rahmat olehNya...
p/s:untuk semua keluarga yg berpenat lelah untuk majlis Jey, D ingin rakamkan ucapan penghargaan & terima kasih yg tak terhingga especially Ayah Su & Maksu Yah..utk Ley & Mey sebagai wedding planner..syabas & tahniah!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Dublin dari kaca mata aku..
Alhamdulillah percutian keluarga kami ke Dublin,Ireland pada hari raya haji yg lalu telah selamat dgn jayanye...perjalanan ambil masa 45minit penerbangan dari East Midlands Airport ke Dublin Airport...kemudian naik bas 30minit ke bandar Dublin..hotel kami betul2 di city centre agak memudahkan untuk jalan2 sekitar city centre..selama 2 malam di Dublin city 9-11/12/08 sempat jugak kami cover tourist attraction yg wajib kene pegi kalo pegi Dublin..Trinity College, Temple Bar, Dublin Castle, O'Connel Street, Ha'Penny Bridge, Moore Street Market, Custom House, Molly Malone etc..

gambar2 sekitar Dublin city

Dublin sebuah bandar di pesisir Sungai Liffey..mcm bandar2 besar lain jugak..agak sibuk..yg best senibina bangunan lama masih lagi terpelihara..kalau nak dibandingkan dgn England rasanya barang2 kat Dublin agak mahal..jauh lagi murah di UK rasanya...biarpun christmas sale ada kat mana2 tapi masih lagi mahal...jadi takde le nk shopping ape pn..save bajet..

gambar2 sekitar Dublin city

Dublin sebuah bandar di pesisir Sungai Liffey..mcm bandar2 besar lain jugak..agak sibuk..yg best senibina bangunan lama masih lagi terpelihara..kalau nak dibandingkan dgn England rasanya barang2 kat Dublin agak mahal..jauh lagi murah di UK rasanya...biarpun christmas sale ada kat mana2 tapi masih lagi mahal...jadi takde le nk shopping ape pn..save bajet..
keindahan malam di Dublin..
makanan halal tak susah untuk cari di Dublin..sempat la jugak kami singgah 2 kedai makanan halal..harganya reasonable..takde la mahal sangat..tapi yg paling kami miss nasi beriyani ayam dan lamb chop dekat kedai Madina..cukup berselera makan..mungkin sebab kepenatan jalan2 dan lapar agaknya kot...
Monday, December 8, 2008
raya yg terlalu sederhana seadanya..
nampak gaya sambutan Raya Aidil Adha kali ne teramat simple & sederhana seadanya...langsung tiada sambutan raya..takdak feel pn nak raya..sedih jer bunyinya...nasib baik kami ada tetamu dari jauh, junior mama mase sekolah dulu dtg jalan2 ke rumah kami..saudara Rauhan dari St. Andrew, Scotland..sekurang2nya terhibur jugak abg muizz dan adik nia...sempat jugak bawa Rauhan pusing2 ke bandar Bradford ahad tu..sejam perjalananan dari Sheffield...

malam raya kami makan pizza jer..tiada juadah istimewa mlm2 raya macam kat mesia huhu..tp kire istimewa jugak la sekali sekala makan pizza mlm2 raya...
di pagi raya sempat jugak ke Masjid dkt universiti semayang sunat hari raya bersama Rauhan..mama,abg muizz dan adik nia cuma tinggal kat rumah saja..tak tahan cuaca tengah sejuk ya amat sekarang ne..
untuk semua keluarga,kenalan cyber,sahabat handai dan semua..dari kejauhan kami ucapkan selamat menyambut hari raya korban..semoga raya menginsafkan kita dan menjadikan kita ummat yg lebih baik...aminnnn...
malam raya kami makan pizza jer..tiada juadah istimewa mlm2 raya macam kat mesia huhu..tp kire istimewa jugak la sekali sekala makan pizza mlm2 raya...
di pagi raya sempat jugak ke Masjid dkt universiti semayang sunat hari raya bersama Rauhan..mama,abg muizz dan adik nia cuma tinggal kat rumah saja..tak tahan cuaca tengah sejuk ya amat sekarang ne..
untuk semua keluarga,kenalan cyber,sahabat handai dan semua..dari kejauhan kami ucapkan selamat menyambut hari raya korban..semoga raya menginsafkan kita dan menjadikan kita ummat yg lebih baik...aminnnn...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
apabila salji dah mula turun...
awal2 pagi tadi salji turun mencurah2..masa bergegas nk ke tempat kerja terdengar amaran cuaca akan bertambah buruk di radio Hallam FM..banyak jalan yg terpaksa ditutup..termasuk sekolah yg terpaksa ditutup..lumrah kalau salji dah turun...pengumuman ramalan cuaca selalunya tepat dan penting di sini..dan masa buka yahoo news..dah ada berita terkini yg mengingatkan semua untuk lebih berhati2...terpikir2 gak aku ne..camne agaknye nak gi jalan ke Dublin raya haji ne ne..harap2 semuanya ok..
Drivers battle through heavy snow
Much of Britain has been hit by heavy snow, creating hazardous driving conditions on the roads. Worst affected were Scotland and northern England, while northern Ireland and Wales also saw snowfall.
MeteoGroup, the weather division of the Press Association, said up to 10cm of snow was expected to fall in higher areas of northern England and Scotland.
Forecasters warned of difficult conditions in northern England and Scotland, with snow causing slippery roads and poor visibility.
The Met Office issued a severe weather warning for Yorkshire and Humber, the North East, the North West and parts of the Midlands and gritters were out in force in an attempt to keep the motorway network moving.
Drivers were being warned of hazardous driving conditions on the M62 at Rishworth Moor in West Yorkshire. Heavy snowfall caused problems on the Woodhead and Snake Pass transpennine routes.
Snow was also falling in parts of South, North and East Yorkshire. A spokeswoman for North Yorkshire Police said "there are accidents all over the place" as the icy conditions caused vehicles to skid off the road.
There were reports of up to 100 schools closed in West Yorkshire and around 30 shut in North Yorkshire. Passengers at Leeds Bradford Airport faced delays as heavy snow fell on the runway.
Durham Police said the A66 transpennine road was closed westbound to motorists from North Yorkshire to Cumbria because of heavy snow.
Around a dozen schools were closed in rural parts of Northumberland because of the weather.
Drivers battle through heavy snow
Much of Britain has been hit by heavy snow, creating hazardous driving conditions on the roads. Worst affected were Scotland and northern England, while northern Ireland and Wales also saw snowfall.
MeteoGroup, the weather division of the Press Association, said up to 10cm of snow was expected to fall in higher areas of northern England and Scotland.
Forecasters warned of difficult conditions in northern England and Scotland, with snow causing slippery roads and poor visibility.
The Met Office issued a severe weather warning for Yorkshire and Humber, the North East, the North West and parts of the Midlands and gritters were out in force in an attempt to keep the motorway network moving.
Drivers were being warned of hazardous driving conditions on the M62 at Rishworth Moor in West Yorkshire. Heavy snowfall caused problems on the Woodhead and Snake Pass transpennine routes.
Snow was also falling in parts of South, North and East Yorkshire. A spokeswoman for North Yorkshire Police said "there are accidents all over the place" as the icy conditions caused vehicles to skid off the road.
There were reports of up to 100 schools closed in West Yorkshire and around 30 shut in North Yorkshire. Passengers at Leeds Bradford Airport faced delays as heavy snow fell on the runway.
Durham Police said the A66 transpennine road was closed westbound to motorists from North Yorkshire to Cumbria because of heavy snow.
Around a dozen schools were closed in rural parts of Northumberland because of the weather.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Entry special utk mama..
hari ne ulangtahun ke 30 mama..selamat hari ulang tahun untuk mama..moga pjg umur murah rezeki kita 1 family..
2-3 hari ne memang terkejar2 nak siapkan tugasan..terpaksa berkampung di department sampai malam..seawal 6pagi dh keluar rumah pegi keje dan terus bergegas ke Uni..sekarang ne seawal 5.40 ptg lebih dh masuk waktu isya..pukul 3ptg lebih dh gelap gelita huhu..balik2 rumah abg muizz dan adik nia dh nak tido..alahai rindu kt anak2 aku..
alhamdulillah hari ne dh present ape yg patut dkt supervisor aku Paul & Clare..discussion mcm2..dari pasal isu landscape planning..isu royal family yg jadi isu kontroversi utk salah satu chapter dlm thesis aku...isu cuti2 di rome..dan yg bestnye diorg ne treat kita mcm kawan2..respect & rileks jer..tp kdg2 aku ketaq lutut jugak nk ngadap diorg ne..heheheh..dan macam biase makin banyak lagi keje2 baru yg menunggu..penat sehhhhh...
untuk mama papa sempat jugak curi2 mase gi shopping perfume kat Boots..papa tau mama suke perfume kan..saje nk tambahkan koleksi perfume mama...yg best adik nia & abg muizz pn masing2 dpt hadiah gak...dan semestinya papa pn dpt hadiah utk diri sendiri gak hehehe...tmbh koleksi perfume utk diri sendiri jugak...
to mama..i luv u so much..no matter whats..papa akan kenang sume jasa2 mama seumur hidup papa..yg paling terharu pengorbanan mama utk cuti tanpa gaji..dan terpakse lepaskan peluang tawaran untuk sambung study dulu..semata-mata untuk ikut papa di sini..sebuah pengorbanan seorang isteri untuk sang suami yg tiada galang ganti..utk abg muizz dan adik nia..papa sayang sngt2...anugerah Tuhan yg tiada nilai gantinye..
...kalian semua nyawa papa..
p/s: utk mama,abg muizz & adik nia..papa ade suprise yg dh tak jadi suprise daaaa..kita akn jalan2 lagii..tiket flight & hotel dh papa booking..tungguuuuuuu..
2-3 hari ne memang terkejar2 nak siapkan tugasan..terpaksa berkampung di department sampai malam..seawal 6pagi dh keluar rumah pegi keje dan terus bergegas ke Uni..sekarang ne seawal 5.40 ptg lebih dh masuk waktu isya..pukul 3ptg lebih dh gelap gelita huhu..balik2 rumah abg muizz dan adik nia dh nak tido..alahai rindu kt anak2 aku..
alhamdulillah hari ne dh present ape yg patut dkt supervisor aku Paul & Clare..discussion mcm2..dari pasal isu landscape planning..isu royal family yg jadi isu kontroversi utk salah satu chapter dlm thesis aku...isu cuti2 di rome..dan yg bestnye diorg ne treat kita mcm kawan2..respect & rileks jer..tp kdg2 aku ketaq lutut jugak nk ngadap diorg ne..heheheh..dan macam biase makin banyak lagi keje2 baru yg menunggu..penat sehhhhh...
untuk mama papa sempat jugak curi2 mase gi shopping perfume kat Boots..papa tau mama suke perfume kan..saje nk tambahkan koleksi perfume mama...yg best adik nia & abg muizz pn masing2 dpt hadiah gak...dan semestinya papa pn dpt hadiah utk diri sendiri gak hehehe...tmbh koleksi perfume utk diri sendiri jugak...
harapnye mama suke..perfume Ralph Lauren, JLo Live & cacharel Amor Amor..perghhhh habis duit gaji aku bln ne..
to mama..i luv u so much..no matter whats..papa akan kenang sume jasa2 mama seumur hidup papa..yg paling terharu pengorbanan mama utk cuti tanpa gaji..dan terpakse lepaskan peluang tawaran untuk sambung study dulu..semata-mata untuk ikut papa di sini..sebuah pengorbanan seorang isteri untuk sang suami yg tiada galang ganti..utk abg muizz dan adik nia..papa sayang sngt2...anugerah Tuhan yg tiada nilai gantinye..
...kalian semua nyawa papa..
p/s: utk mama,abg muizz & adik nia..papa ade suprise yg dh tak jadi suprise daaaa..kita akn jalan2 lagii..tiket flight & hotel dh papa booking..tungguuuuuuu..
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
pabila kesejukan yang terlampau itu akan melanda..
pagi ne tatkala tgk UK yahoo news terbaca pasal berita tergempar ne..alamak weather kat UK ne so unpredictable..skrg ne dah hujung2 musim luruh..bila2 masa saja musim sejuk akan melanda..arghhhhhhhh winter time..dunia kelam sejuk beku akan melanda..anytime..anywhere in UK...harap2nye otak pn tak same2 beku..fuhhhhhhhhhhh...
Arctic weather heading our way
Icy weather is on the way with an Arctic chill expected to grip the country at the weekend.
Weathermen have warned that temperatures will plunge below zero with parts of the country getting blizzards, icy winds and wintry showers.
Forecaster John Hutchinson said: "You will feel a sharp drop in temperature on Friday and by the end of the night there will be sleet and snow in northern Scotland.
"Places like the North Yorkshire Moors and Norfolk will see wintry showers, with strong winds all the way down the east coast.
"Daytime temperatures on Saturday are likely to be between 3C and 6C, falling to below zero at night."
dan macam biasa kesejukan itu menyebabkan aku nak pijak lantai rumah pun rasa taknak..dan kasut bulu2 ini akan menjadi peneman setia dalam rumah sampai le aku masuk tido berselimutkan duvet/selimut tebal...

ne le kasut eskimo..& yg pink kaler itu mamanye punye...p/s: secara tak sengaja aku dh jawab tag oleh chime..aci kan???..dan rasenye xyah le aku nk tag sape2...sbb aku tahu sume org ade kasut yg comel2 kan hehe..
Arctic weather heading our way
Icy weather is on the way with an Arctic chill expected to grip the country at the weekend.
Weathermen have warned that temperatures will plunge below zero with parts of the country getting blizzards, icy winds and wintry showers.
Forecaster John Hutchinson said: "You will feel a sharp drop in temperature on Friday and by the end of the night there will be sleet and snow in northern Scotland.
"Places like the North Yorkshire Moors and Norfolk will see wintry showers, with strong winds all the way down the east coast.
"Daytime temperatures on Saturday are likely to be between 3C and 6C, falling to below zero at night."
dan macam biasa kesejukan itu menyebabkan aku nak pijak lantai rumah pun rasa taknak..dan kasut bulu2 ini akan menjadi peneman setia dalam rumah sampai le aku masuk tido berselimutkan duvet/selimut tebal...
ne le kasut eskimo..& yg pink kaler itu mamanye punye...p/s: secara tak sengaja aku dh jawab tag oleh chime..aci kan???..dan rasenye xyah le aku nk tag sape2...sbb aku tahu sume org ade kasut yg comel2 kan hehe..
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